- Our main parking lot and entrance are on the north side of the building, with the parking lot entrance off of Fuller Ave. You can enter in the large glass doors, walk in to meet a friendly face or two to welcome you to Northlawn.
- There's a coatroom available on your way to the Sanctuary for the days when you need a coat (and that's often in Michigan).
- Before you enter the Sanctuary, you'll be greeted by an usher who will hand you a worship bulletin that includes an order of worship as well as some details as to how you can connect. There will also be announcements in the bulletin to share what's going on in the life of the church.
- Each worship service will last about 65-75 minutes and typically wrap up by 11:00 am.
- After worship you are invited to come to the Connection Center outside of the sanctuary to receive a FREE GIFT and to welcomed to the church.
New Here? Here's What You Can Expect